Current membership and background

Parish councils, as we know them today, were founded in 1894. The area covered by a parish council may have related to the geographical area of the local church but councillors were elected from anyone who was willing to stand. Councillors did not have to be members of the parish church. The parish council is known as a civil or secular organisation. Matters relating to church business are dealt with by the parochial church council [PCC]. The PCC is completely separate from a parish council! The PCC is made up of church members only. A booklet entitled ‘GRASS ROOTS DEMOCRACY A century of civil parishes in Shropshire 1894 –1994’ gives a fascinating history including the setting of rate assessments. The booklet is published by the Shropshire Association of Parish and Town Councils [ISBN 0 9524331 09]. Llanymynech and Pant Parish Council held its first meeting in 1894 in Llanymynech school. To be precise the parish council was for Llanymynech and the southern part of Pant. The whole of Pant was included in 1972. In 1994 the parish council held a centenary dinner in the school. By 1994 the school had closed and was a very popular restaurant. The school is now a private dwelling.

Llanymynech and Pant Parish Councillors Elected and Co-opted 2022

Llanymynech Ward Councillors.

Cllr Alice Bond (Chairman), 

Cllr Terry Mason

Cllr Suzanne Brown

Pant Ward Councillors.

Cllr Adam Brown

Cllr Colleen Hadfield

Cllr Robin Hitch

Cllr David Catmur-Lloyd

Cllr Peter Roberts

Cllr Barry Robinson

Cllr Ian Pollitt